Why Do I Feel Resentment Towards My Mom

“Have you ever thought, ‘Why do I get mad at my mom?‘ This happens a lot during the teenage years. At this age, kids go through tough times and might get upset with their moms without meaning to. But maybe they shouldn’t. When they grow up and look back, they often regret how they acted, which is normal.

But in some cases, kids start to actually dislike their moms.

New York professor Sabrina Romanoff says that if moms don’t live up to their kids’ expectations, the kids can start to resent them.

Real-Life Examples:

  1. Anuj’s Example: Anuj is a 16-year-old boy. His mom always wanted him to become a doctor, but Anuj’s dream was to have a career in music. The constant clash between what his mom wanted and what Anuj wanted made him feel like his mom didn’t get him. Over time, he started to pull away from her. When Anuj got older, he realized that his mom just wanted him to be a doctor for his own good, but back then, because he was young and inexperienced, he couldn’t see that and got angry at her.
  2. Radhika’s Example: Radhika’s mom always compared her to others, which made Radhika feel like her mom didn’t love her. She started getting annoyed with her mom and began to keep her distance. But later, when Radhika became a mom herself, she realized that her mom was just trying to encourage her, but she had misunderstood it.”

Reasons for Being Upset with Mom and Solutions

Everyone has their own reasons for being upset with their mom, and today, we’ll talk about this in detail. But it’s important to understand that being upset with your mom can have a heavy impact on your relationship and can even affect your health. So, it’s important to address these issues. Let’s get started.

1. Emotional Needs Not Being Met:

When we’re young, we need love, support, and guidance, which we expect to get from our mom. But sometimes, if mom isn’t able to meet these needs for some reason, we can feel hurt and upset.

For example, a child who doesn’t get enough love and attention from their mom might feel resentful towards her.

2. Unresolved Conflicts:

If there’s been a disagreement or argument between a mom and child in the past (which is common these days) that hasn’t been resolved, it can lead to lingering resentment.

Let’s say a mom ignored something important the child said, maybe because she was busy, but the child felt like their opinion didn’t matter. This feeling can stay with the child for a long time.

3. Unfair Treatment:

If a child feels that they are not being treated as well as their siblings or that their efforts aren’t appreciated, they may become upset with their mom. For instance, if a child always gets good grades but instead of praising them, the mom constantly compares them to their siblings, the child might feel hurt.

4. Abuse or Neglect:

In some cases, if a child has experienced physical, emotional, or mental abuse, it can be a major source of resentment. In such situations, it’s important for the child to seek help from a professional to understand and deal with their emotions.

5. Personality Clashes:

Sometimes, differences in opinions between a mom and child can also lead to resentment. For example, if the mom has a more traditional way of thinking and the child has a modern outlook, it can cause friction between them.

Why Do I Feel Resentment Towards My Mom
Why Do I Feel Resentment Towards My Mom

Real-Life Example:

Kavita (name changed) had been upset with her mom for a long time. She felt that her mom didn’t appreciate her achievements and always compared her to other kids. This made Kavita harbor negative feelings towards her mom. But when she went through therapy, she realized the true reason behind her resentment and set some boundaries to improve her relationship with her mom.

Keep in Mind:

These are just a few possible reasons someone might be upset with their mom. Everyone’s experience is different, but it’s important to understand and try to resolve these feelings.

Why Do I Hate My Mom?

Why do I hate my mom?” This question might sound strange because we usually have a deep bond with our mothers. They take care of all our needs from childhood. But if someone is asking this question, there could be specific reasons behind it.

1. Bad Behavior:

If your relationship with your mom isn’t good, like if she ignores you or doesn’t try to understand you, it can make you angry at her.

For example, if a child is always being scolded by their mom and their feelings aren’t respected, the child might feel resentment towards her.

2. Broken Expectations:

As we grow up, our thinking and our mom’s thinking might not align. If our mom doesn’t understand our perspective and insists on us doing what she wants, it can cause frustration.

For instance, if a child wants to become an engineer but their mom wants them to be a doctor, this difference in expectations can create tension in the relationship.

3. Lack of Communication:

Sometimes, a lack of communication or misunderstandings can create a rift in relationships. If a mom says something and we don’t understand it correctly, it could lead to a bigger conflict.

For example, if a mom says, “You should focus on your studies,” and we interpret it as “Mom thinks we’re not working hard enough,” it can create distance between us and our mom.

4. Teenage Struggles:

During teenage years, when we want more freedom and our mom stops us from doing something, it can make us feel bad.

For example, if a mom says no to going out at night, we might feel like she’s taking away our freedom, leading to negative feelings towards her.

If you feel like you hate your mom, it’s important to first understand these feelings and why they’re coming up.

What You Can Do:

1. Talk to Someone:

If your relationship with your mom isn’t good, talk to someone who can understand you, like a friend, family member, or therapist.

For example, if you feel like talking to your mom doesn’t solve anything, sharing your feelings with a counselor might help.

2. Write Down Your Thoughts:

Write down whatever you’re feeling in a diary. This can help you understand your thoughts better.

For instance, if you feel like your mom doesn’t understand you, write about it and think about why you feel that way.

3. Learn About Healthy Relationships:

Read about mother-child relationships through books or articles. This can help you understand how to build a healthy relationship.

For example, if you read a book on improving communication, you can apply that knowledge to your relationship with your mom.

Note: Whenever you face such issues, it’s important to talk to someone trustworthy. Always seek advice before making any decisions.

Are my feelings towards my parents right?

Yes, absolutely! Whatever you’re feeling about your parents is totally okay. Everyone thinks and feels differently, and your feelings are valid because you’re experiencing them. It’s important to understand that parents are human too, and they can make mistakes, even if they don’t mean to. Sometimes, their actions might hurt you, which can lead to a mix of emotions like anger, sadness, or disappointment. It’s perfectly normal to feel these emotions.

Easy ways to manage your feelings:

1. Talk to someone you trust:

If you’re feeling troubled by something with your parents, talk to someone you trust. For example, if you’re upset with your parents, share your feelings with a friend or a relative. Sometimes, talking to someone else helps you see things more clearly, and it reminds you that you’re not alone. Like, once my friend talked to his older brother when he was upset with his parents, and after the talk, he felt much better with a new perspective.

    2. Write down your feelings:

    If it’s hard to share your feelings with someone, you can write them down. You could write in a journal about what happened and how you’re feeling. For instance, a girl wrote in her diary about how it hurt her when her parents didn’t pay much attention to her. Gradually, she started to understand her feelings better and felt relieved.

      3. Take care of yourself:

      When you’re feeling emotionally upset, it’s important to take care of your health. Eat well, get good sleep, and take some time for yourself. For example, when one of my friends felt bad after an argument with his parents, he read his favorite book and went for a long walk. It helped him feel more relaxed.

        Remember, there’s no shame in needing help. It’s common nowadays to have some confusion in relationships with parents. So, if you feel like you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out.”


        Why do I get annoyed with my mom so easily?

        There are many reasons Why do I get annoyed with my mom so easily? and they are always rooted in family relationships and personal complexities. Most of which resentment arises from misunderstanding and disappointment. Additionally, previously unresolved conflicts or past grievances may resurface, increasing irritability at home. The easiest way to do this is to communicate openly with each other. And try to reach some conclusion. So that you will be able to promote a healthy relationship.

        Why do I get annoyed with my mom so easily?

        Resentment in any relationship arises whenever we are mistreated or treated unfairly, leaving behind a bitter residue of disappointment and frustration. This anger may further be fueled by feelings of unfairness, along with hurt and resentment.

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