13 Reasons Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters?

Not every mother-daughter relationship is filled with love and support. A recent study shows that jealousy is becoming a major reason for this. When their daughters start getting more attention than them. Then mothers start feeling hatred or threat from their daughters. This can create a deep rift between mother and daughter relation. Which is not a good thing.

In today’s blog post, I will try to tell you from my 10 years of experience Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters? And we will try to understand the reasons behind the complexity of this problem in depth.

Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters
Images for Envato

Although in the last 10 years of experience, I have seen many reasons. Due to which mothers hate their daughters. But here I will share with you some selected 13 Reasons Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters? and also try to find the best way to come out.

So let’s learn something new.

Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters?

When you feel that your mother hates you, it hurts a lot. Mother’s relationship is the first and most important relationship in our life. We think that mother’s love and understanding will keep our relationship strong, but sometimes difficulties arise in it. Which we can improve by talking if we want.

A real life example:

Let’s try to explain it in a simple language with a real life example. Imagine that your friend broke your favorite toy and you got angry with him. And you thought that your friend wanted to trouble you intentionally, but it may have happened by mistake. Similarly, when there are misunderstandings and problems between mother and children, we should try to understand that maybe the mother did not intend to hurt us.

Most importantly: It is very important to understand and talk. If you feel that your mother hates you, then try to find out why she is doing this. Try to talk to her and share your feelings. It is possible that some things are happening due to misunderstanding, and talking about it can improve the relationship.

13 Reasons Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters

Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters
Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters

1. Unresolved Personal Trauma

By unresolved personal trauma I mean the mental and emotional wounds that your mother may have as a result of experiencing a traumatic event in her life. These traumas can have a profound effect on your mother’s life and her relationships, especially with those who are closest to her, such as her Daughter.

1. Childhood Abuse and Neglect:

If your mother has suffered abuse or neglect in her childhood for any reason, it has a long-term impact on her psychological and emotional health. This trauma can affect her thinking, feeling, and behavior.

Let’s try to understand this in detail.

2. Difficulty Forming Healthy Relationships:

Unresolved trauma may cause the moms to have trouble forming and maintaining healthy relationships with her Daughter. Due to which the emotional state of the mom starts changing, due to which she has trouble communicating with her Daughter.

3. Anger, frustration and resentment:

If these traumas are not addressed properly, it can manifest as anger, frustration and resentment of the mother towards her daughter. The mom may project her unresolved pain and conflicts onto her daughter, causing tension in the relationship.

4. Strict and controlling behaviour:

Many a times, a mom who has been abused in childhood can become extremely strict towards you to protect her daughter from any abuse or harm. Due to which her daughter feels her independence and confidence suppressed. Due to which tension starts to arise in their relationship. Therapy is required to recover from such trauma.


  1. Therapy: The mom should seek the help of a mental health professional to forget her past traumas. Through therapy, she can understand and resolve her trauma.
  2. Support: Having the support of family and friends can help the mother in her journey.
  3. Open communication: The mom and daughter should communicate with each other so that both mom and daughter can understand each other’s feelings and thoughts better.

Thus, the impact of unresolved personal trauma can have a deep impact on the mother-daughter relationship, but it can be healed by following the steps I have suggested.

2. Jealousy or Envy

Jealousy or envy is a complex and natural feeling that arises when a mom thinks that if only she had got the facilities that her daughter got so easily, she would have been able to do a lot in her life. This feeling can cause tension and distance in relationships, especially when it is between a mother and a daughter. Let’s understand it better.

Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters
Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters

Reasons for Jealousy

  1. Unfulfilled aspirations: If the mom did not get a chance to fulfill her dreams in her life, she may feel jealous seeing her daughter’s achievements.
  2. Sacrifice: Many mom sacrifice personal dreams and desires for their family. When they see their daughter fulfilling those dreams, it creates a feeling of jealousy or envy in them.
  3. Unequal opportunities: The difference in opportunities between the mom and his daughter generations can also cause jealousy. If the mother had fewer opportunities than her daughter, she may feel resentful about this inequality.

Signs of Jealousy

  1. Competitive Behavior: The mother may start competing with her daughter, whether in academics, career or social recognition.
  2. Criticism: Driven by feelings of jealousy, the mother tries to criticize her daughter’s achievements.
  3. Emotional Distance: Jealousy may lead to an emotional distance between mother and daughter. The mother may feel uncomfortable talking openly with her daughter or supporting her.


  1. Self-reflection: The mother should try to understand what is causing her jealousy and accept it.
  2. Counseling: Talking with a professional therapist can help the mother understand her feelings and express them in a positive way.
  3. Open conversation: The mother and daughter should have a conversation with each other. Due to which the misunderstandings between the two can be removed.
  4. Acceptance: Mother should praise her daughter for her achievements. And should learn to be happy in her success.

3. Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic expectations create a lot of tension and conflict in the mom-daughter relationship. Mom in particular have unrealistic expectations from their daughters and there are many reasons for this which are driven by their own unfulfilled aspirations and dreams. It is important to understand how these expectations are formed and how to deal with the problems that arise as a result of them.

Reasons for Unrealistic Expectations

  1. Social Pressure: There is a lot of pressure on Mom in society regarding the success of their daughters. People believe that the daughter’s achievements are a reflection of the mother’s upbringing. Therefore, Mom have high expectations from their children so that they can get recognition in society.
  2. Personal Insecurity: Many times Mom have unrealistic expectations from their daughters to fulfill their unfulfilled dreams. Due to which they try to fulfill their own unfulfilled dreams and in this process put pressure on their daughters.
  3. Wanting to live through their children: Some Mom want their daughters to achieve what they could not achieve in their own lives. They want to fulfill their failures and unfulfilled dreams through their daughters, which leads to unrealistic expectations.


  1. Disappointment and frustration: When daughters fail to meet their Mom’ expectations, it leads to feelings of disappointment and frustration. This can affect the daughters’ self-esteem and self-confidence.
  2. Relationship tension: Unrealistic expectations can lead to communication gaps and conflicts between parents and children. This can create distance and distrust in the relationship.
  3. Ignoring daughters’ natural talents and interests: When Mom impose their dreams on their daughters, they ignore their daughters’ natural talents and interests. This can reduce the daughters’ chances of personal development.


  1. Open communication: There is a need for open communication between mom and daughter. Daughters should get the opportunity to express their feelings and thoughts, so that Mom can understand their real interests and aspirations.
  2. Realistic expectations: Mom should keep their expectations realistic and balanced. They should understand that every daughter is unique and has her own identity. And Mom should understand their unique identity. So that she can move forward in it.
  3. Support and encouragement: Mom should support and encourage their daughters in their interests and talents. This will help daughters develop confident and independent personalities.


A mom who always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer sends her daughter to dance classes and expects her to excel in it. But if her daughter is interested in science, this situation leads to conflict and frustration. This problem can be resolved if the mother understands and supports her daughter’s interest in science, while also encouraging her own interest in dance.

Thus, it is important to understand and address the issue of unrealistic expectations so as to build healthy and positive relationships between parents and children.

4. Cultural or Societal Pressures

Cultural or Societal Pressures causes mental harassment to mom. It is a situation in which norms and expectations set by society and culture influence mom behaviour, decisions and life path. This pressure is often exerted by parents, especially mom, to mould their daughters’ lives into a certain framework. This situation can not only restrict individual freedom and desires but can also cause conflict and tension in the family.

Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters
Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters

Various aspects of cultural or societal pressure:

1. Values ​​and beliefs:

  • Every culture has certain beliefs and values ​​that have been passed down through generations. For example, family honour, obedience and collectivism are given great importance in some cultures.
  • These beliefs may make moms think that their daughters should live according to a particular framework and their behaviour should be according to the standards set by society.

2. Gender roles:

  • Many cultures assign different roles to women and men. For example, women are expected to perform household tasks, take care of children, and raise the family, while men are expected to support the family financially.
  • In such a situation, moms are under pressure to prepare their daughters according to traditional gender roles, which may restrict the daughters’ personal aspirations and career choices.

3. Marriage and family:

  • Early marriage and expanding the family are considered important in many cultures.
  • Moms may pressure their daughters to marry early, while their daughters may wish to pursue higher education or a career. This contradiction can cause tension and conflict.

4. Education and career:

  • In some cultures, women’s education and career are not given priority. There women are expected to give priority to domestic responsibilities.
  • In such a situation, if the daughter wants to pursue higher education or make a career in a particular field, she may face opposition from moms and society.

5. Media and social influences:

  • Media and other influences of society can also increase cultural pressure. The messages transmitted through films, television, and social media can make society’s expectations even stronger.

Need for balance:

  • Moms need to balance cultural expectations with their daughters’ personal growth and independence.
  • They should try to understand and support their daughters’ wishes, dreams, and aspirations.
    ms are also under pressure from society and they need to learn how to handle this situation.

5. Personality Clashes

Personality conflict is more common between mom and daughter. And it often emerges in situations where there are fundamental differences in the natural temperament, attitude, and lifestyle of two people. This conflict can be especially common between mom and daughter, as there is a difference in thinking, expectations, and life experiences between the two generations. Let’s understand this in detail:

1. Difference in temperament and behavior:

  • Mom: If the moms nature is accommodating and disciplined, she works hard to maintain order in her home and life. She may be punctual and planned.
  • Daughter: On the other hand, if the daughter’s nature is independent and spontaneous, she may prefer more flexibility and freedom in her life. She may not like a planned lifestyle and may prefer to do things as she wishes.

2. Possible causes of conflict:

  • Misunderstanding: Misunderstandings may arise between mom and daughter. The mom may think that the daughter is careless and does not take responsibility, while the daughter may think that the mom is too strict and limits her freedom.
  • Lack of respect: When the mom and daughter are unable to understand each other’s point of view, there may be a lack of respect for each other. The mom may think of the daughter as undisciplined and the daughter may think of the mom as controlling.
  • Lack of communication: Lack of communication can also lead to misunderstandings. If the mom and daughter do not share their thoughts and feelings with each other, distance may grow between them.

3. How ​​to resolve the conflict:

  • Understanding each other: The mom and daughter should try to understand each other’s nature and point of view. The mom should understand the daughter’s need for freedom and the daughter should respect the moms habit of order and discipline.
  • Finding common ground: The mom and daughter should together find ways in which they can adjust with each other. For example, setting some rules and boundaries, but also keeping some scope for flexibility.
  • Open communication: Misunderstandings can be cleared up by open and honest communication. The mom and daughter should listen to each other carefully and express their feelings without any fear.
  • Spending time: Spending time with each other and participating in some common activities can also help strengthen the relationship.


An overly disciplined mom may have conflicts with her independent daughter, resulting in constant arguments about lifestyle choices and preferences. E.g.:

  • Mom: “You should keep your room clean and come home on time.”
  • Daughter: “I like to live my life my way. I cannot be bound by cleanliness and punctuality.”

In this situation, the mom should respect the daughter’s independence and the daughter should try to understand the moms habits of order and discipline. The two can make some rules together, such as the daughter will keep her room clean but there will be some flexibility in coming home on time.

Thus, by understanding and respecting each other’s individuality, and finding common ground, tensions can be reduced and a more harmonious relationship can be created.

6. Lack of Emotional Support

Lack of emotional support, especially in a mom-daughter relationship, can have an impact on many levels. To understand this condition in detail, we need to look at its various aspects and its effects:

Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters
Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters

Lack of emotional support: causes and effects

  1. Mom’s own upbringing:
  • Effect of upbringing: If the mom did not receive emotional support, love in her own upbringing, she herself is not able to provide support and love to her daughter, this can be a generational problem where the mom has learned from her mom how to suppress or ignore emotions.
  • Lack of emotional education: In some cases, the mom has not been taught how to provide emotional support. This can be due to lack of emotional education.
  1. Mom’s emotional unavailability:
  • Personal conflict: The mom may be dealing with her own personal conflicts, such as depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, which prevent her from being emotional or loving to her daughter.
  • Emotional exhaustion: The mom may also feel emotionally exhausted due to the responsibilities and stress of daily life, which makes her unable to pay attention to her daughter’s emotional needs.
  1. Lack of understanding emotional needs:
  • Ignoring: In some situations, the mom may not understand her daughter’s emotional needs or consider them not important. This may be a cognitive deficiency where the mom does not understand that her daughter needs emotional support.

Effects and consequences

  1. Effects on the daughter:
  • Feeling unsupported: The lack of emotional support or love may cause the daughter to feel unsupported and alone. She may think that her feelings are not important.
  • Resentment and Stress: Feeling unsupported can lead to resentment and stress in the daughter, which can lead to a rift in the mom-daughter relationship.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Lack of consistent emotional support can affect the daughter’s self-esteem. She may feel less valuable.
  1. Effects on the Relationship:
  • Lack of Communication: If there is no open and honest communication between mom and daughter, it can create more distance in their relationship.
  • Mistrust: Lack of emotional support can lead to a daughter’s lack of trust in her mom. She may feel that her mom does not understand or care about her feelings.

Solutions and Improvements

  1. Building Emotional Intelligence:
  • Recognize and Express Emotions: Both mom and daughter should know how to recognize and express their emotions. This will help them understand their inner experiences and share them with each other.
  • Empathy and understanding: One should try to understand and respect each other’s feelings through empathy.
  1. Promoting open, supportive communication:
  • Active listening: Both mom and daughter should listen to each other carefully and try to understand without any prejudice.
  • Regular communication: Mom and daughter should regularly take time to talk about emotional issues. This conversation will help in understanding each other’s feelings and provide support.
  1. Professional support:
  • Counselling and therapy: If the mom and daughter are having serious problems in the relationship due to lack of emotional support, then seeking the help of a professional counsellor or therapist can be useful. They can help the mom and daughter communicate better with each other and improve their relationship.

7. Guilt and Regret

Guilt and regret are two very common and human emotions, which are often seen in parents, especially moms. These feelings can arise due to various reasons, such as:

  1. Feeling guilty for past mistakes: Moms often feel that they have done something wrong or missed out on something important. For example, guilt for not spending enough time with their daughter during her childhood.
  2. Making wrong decisions: Sometimes, moms feel that they have made some wrong decisions for their children, such as choosing school, helping in choosing friends, or not giving the right guidance at important moments in life.
  3. Failing to protect daughters from harm: Moms try to protect their daughters from every kind of harm. But, if they fail in this, they are filled with guilt and feel that they are not a good mom.

Effects of these feelings

These feelings of guilt and remorse can have an effect not only on the mom but also on her relationship with her daughter. Some examples are as follows:

  • Self-blame: These feelings can put moms in a state of self-blame, making them feel guilty all the time and have low self-esteem.
  • Anger and resentment towards daughter: Ironically, these feelings can make the mom feel anger and resentment towards her daughter. This is especially true when the mom feels that her daughter reminds her of past mistakes.
  • Relationship tension: These feelings can cause tension in the mom-daughter relationship. For example, a mm who regrets not spending enough time with her daughter in her childhood may now try to compensate for it by becoming overly involved in her adult daughter’s life. This can lead to frustration and tension between the two.

Solution Tips

The following measures can be important to address these feelings and improve the relationship:

  1. Therapy: Therapy or counseling can help the mom understand and deal with her feelings. By talking to a professional therapist, the mom can understand her guilt and remorse and come out of those feelings.
  2. Self-forgiveness: Self-forgiveness is important. The mom has to understand that everyone makes mistakes and she is also a human being. She has to learn to forgive herself by accepting her mistakes.

With these measures, the mom can manage her feelings better and build a healthy and happy relationship with her daughter.

8. Mental Health Issues

Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters
Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters

Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or personality disorders, have a profound impact on the emotional and mental state of the mom. When a mom is facing these problems, it also affects her relationship with her daughter. Let’s understand this in detail:


A person suffering from depression may feel sad, hopeless and without energy. And this condition persists for a long time and can affect daily activities. A depressed mom:

  • May find it difficult to spend time with her daughter or meet her needs.
  • There may be a decrease in communication due to indifference and lack of self-esteem.
  • The daughter may feel neglected or lack emotional support from the mom.


Anxiety disorder refers to a state of excessive worry, fear and restlessness. An anxious mom:

  • May be overly concerned about every little thing, which can put pressure on the daughter.
  • May unnecessarily control or interfere with her daughter’s normal development and decisions.
  • The daughter may feel the burden of her moms anxiety and uncertainty, which may reduce her self-confidence.

Bipolar Disorder

In bipolar disorder, a person’s mood fluctuates greatly. It is divided into two major states: mania and depression. A mom suffering from bipolar disorder:

  • May show excessive energy and exuberance in a state of mania, while being extremely frustrated and sad in a state of depression.
  • The home environment may become unstable due to these unpredictable changes in mood.
  • The daughter may feel emotional instability and lack of security due to these mood swings of the mom.

Personality Disorders

Personality disorders can be of different types, each of which involves abnormalities in a person’s process of thinking, feeling and behaving. A mom suffering from a personality disorder:

  • May face persistent problems in relationships with other people. – May display extreme shyness, self-doubt, or self-centered behavior.
  • May have difficulty maintaining healthy communication and relationships with daughter.

Solutions and Treatments

Proper diagnosis and treatment of these mental health problems is essential. Following are some of the key measures:

  • Therapy: Various types of therapy, such as counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and family therapy, can be helpful.
  • Medication: Medications prescribed by a mental health specialist can be helpful in controlling symptoms.
  • Support groups: Connecting with people facing similar problems and drawing inspiration from their stories can be helpful.
  • Self-care: Self-care measures such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can improve mental health.

9. Overprotectiveness

The mom is overly concerned and fearful about her daughter’s safety and well-being. This tendency is natural to an extent because every mom wants to see her children safe and healthy. But when this concern becomes excessive, it suppresses the daughter’s independence, self-reliance, and personal growth.

Reasons for Overprotectiveness:

  1. Fear and Anxiety: The mom may be overly concerned about her daughter’s safety, future, and well-being. This concern may arise from external causes such as insecurity, crime, bad company, or social pressure.
  2. Bad experiences: If the mom has faced some bad experiences in her life, she may become overprotective to protect her daughter from those experiences.
  3. Culture and tradition: Some cultures and societies have a tradition of taking extra precautions regarding the safety of girls, which makes moms overprotective.

Effects of excessive protectiveness:

  1. Lack of independence: Due to excessive control by the mom, the daughter is not able to feel her independence and self-reliance. Due to which she does not get the experience of taking decisions for herself and facing problems.
  2. Resentment and rebellion: Excessive control can create a feeling of resentment and rebellion in the daughter. She can feel resentment towards her mom and rebel, which can sour their relationship.
  3. Lack of confidence: Due to excessive protectiveness, the daughter does not get a chance to take her own decisions, due to which she may lack confidence. She may always depend on the instructions of the mom.
  4. No development of social skills: Restricting social interaction can have a negative impact on the daughter’s social skills and ability to form relationships.

Balance required:

  1. Guidance and Independence: To foster a healthy relationship, the mom should give proper guidance to her daughter, but at the same time she should also give her independence. She should get a chance to make her own decisions and learn from her mistakes.
  2. Building Trust: The mom should trust her daughter and assure her that she is capable of looking after her own safety and well-being.
  3. Communication: There should be open and honest communication between mom and daughter. This will lead to the daughter sharing her problems and worries with the mom and the mom will also share her worries with the daughter.


A mom who monitors her daughter’s every move and does not allow her to go out with friends, the moms aim may be the daughter’s safety. But this may generate a feeling of rebellion in the daughter. The daughter may try to do things secretly from her mom or distance herself from the mom, which may harm their relationship. In this situation, the mom should sit down with her daughter to understand her concerns and think of ways to give her independence while staying safe.

10. Comparisons

Moms often compare their daughters to others, whether it is their siblings, peers, or even themselves at a young age. There can be many reasons behind such comparisons, such as the mom being concerned for her daughter’s well-being or trying to motivate her more. However, such comparisons can also have negative effects, which often go unnoticed.

Negative Effects

  1. Feelings of Inadequacy: Comparisons can make daughters feel that they are never good enough. When a mom compares her daughter to someone else, the daughter receives the signal that she is not worthy of meeting her moms expectation. She is not reaching the standard that her mom has set. This feeling often damages self-esteem and makes the daughter think negatively about herself.
  2. Resentment and Stress: Constant comparisons can cause resentment in the daughter. She feels that her mom does not appreciate her achievements and qualities, and this feeling can create tension in their relationship. The daughter may feel that her mom does not understand her or respect her feelings and does not love her.
  3. Toxic Environment:

Comparisons can create a toxic environment where the daughter feels that she can never measure up. Such an environment not only affects the daughter’s mental health, but also her self-development and self-confidence. Such an environment also harms the relationship between the daughter and the mom in the long run.

Tips to Minimize the Negative Effects

  1. Recognize the Unique Qualities:

It is important that moms recognize and appreciate their daughters’ talents and achievements. Every individual has their own abilities and talents, and they should be acknowledged and encouraged.

  1. Encouragement and Support:

Moms should support their daughters, rather than comparing them. Using positive and inspiring words gives daughters self-confidence and motivates them to achieve their goals.


A mom who often compares her daughter to her academically more successful cousin makes her daughter feel inadequate and unloved. The daughter may feel that her mom does not see her hard work and efforts and considers her lesser in comparison. As a result, resentment builds up in the daughter and mom-daughter communication may become strained. In contrast, if the mom appreciates and encourages her daughter’s efforts and achievements, the daughter will gain self-confidence and their relationship will be strengthened.

11. Power Struggles

Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters
Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters

Power struggle is a common problem in families, especially when daughters want autonomy and moms try to maintain control. This conflict arises from the complex relationship and personal expectations between mom and daughter.


  1. Desire for autonomy: As daughters grow up, they want to form their own identity and make independent decisions. They try to make their own decisions about their future, which gives them self-reliance and confidence.
  2. Desire for control: Moms, worrying about the children’s future, want to guide them based on their experience and knowledge. They want their children to be safe and successful, so they try to maintain control.

Nature of conflict:

  1. Disagreement: Example, daughter wants to choose her college subject herself, while mom insists on a “practical” choice. This disagreement can lead to heated arguments.
  2. Breakdown in communication: When both parties do not understand or are not willing to accept each other’s point of view, there is a breakdown in communication, which further escalates the conflict.

Ways to resolve:

  1. Negotiate boundaries: Both parties should negotiate while respecting each other’s boundaries and rights. The daughter should understand her moms concern and the mom should recognize the daughter’s desire for independence.
  2. Finding a balance: It is important to find a balance between independence and parental guidance. It is a middle ground where the daughter gets the right to make decisions according to her choice, but the moms guidance and support also remains.
  3. Conflict resolution strategies: Effective conflict resolution techniques can be used, such as active listening, compromise, and problem-solving approaches. These strategies can help resolve the conflict peacefully.

12. Communication Breakdown

Communication breakdown occurs when the message is not understood properly or cannot be transmitted. This breakdown can often lead to problems in personal and family relationships. Moms and daughters, who are often very close to each other, may also have a breakdown in communication.

2. Causes of communication breakdown


  • Values ​​and beliefs: It may be difficult to understand each other’s point of view if there are different values ​​and beliefs.
  • Incomplete information: If important information is missed in the communication then the message may be incomplete or misunderstood.

Unexpressed feelings:

  • Dissatisfaction and resentment: If dissatisfaction or resentment is hidden in someone’s mind, it may manifest during the conversation and disrupt communication.
  • Emotional stress: In a stressed situation, it may be difficult for a person to express his thoughts clearly.

Differences in communication styles:

  • Language and vocabulary: Using different communication styles or language can make it difficult to understand the true meaning of the message.
  • Speed ​​and tone: The speed of speaking, tone and body language can also affect the message.

3. Consequences of communication breakdowns

Communication breakdowns can cause various types of problems in relationships:


  • Negative assumptions: Communication breakdowns can cause one person to make negative assumptions about the other.
  • Misunderstandings: Information can be misinterpreted during communication, leading to misunderstandings.


  • Defensiveness: When a person feels that his point has not been understood properly, he may become defensive.
  • Quarrels: Frequent communication breakdowns can lead to quarrels and differences.

4. Solution: Healthy communication skills

Some important skills can be developed to improve communication:

Active listening:

  • Attentive listening: Listening carefully to what the other person is saying without interrupting.
  • Clarity: Seeking clarity by asking questions and repeating when in doubt.


  • Understanding: Trying to understand the other person’s feelings and point of view.
  • Empathetic response: Showing empathy and respecting the other’s feelings while responding.

5. Example:

Communication breakdown between mom and daughter

  • Situation: A mom criticizes her daughter’s choice without knowing why she made that choice.
  • Result: The daughter feels that her mom does not respect her feelings and opinions, which makes her defensive and unable to express her thoughts openly.
  • Solution: The mom should listen to the daughter carefully and try to understand her point of view. The daughter should also talk openly and honestly with her mom.

13. Unmet Needs

Unmet needs can often form deep roots in the mom and daughter relationship and create tension in their relationship. This topic can be understood from several psychological and social perspectives. Let us understand it in detail:

1. Emotional support and recognition

Moms needs:

Moms often make many sacrifices for their children, such as sacrificing their career, hobbies, or personal time. If these sacrifices are not appreciated, the mom may feel neglected and resentful. This resentment is often unconsciously expressed towards the daughter. For example, the mom may make her daughter feel guilty, saying that she has done a lot for her, but she never gets a thank you.

Daughter’s needs:

The daughter, on the other hand, has her own emotional needs, such as a sense of understanding, independence, and support. If the daughter feels that her feelings are being ignored or her independence is being limited, she may rebel or pull away from her parents. For example, if a daughter does not consider her opinion in a decision, she may feel resentful towards her parents.

2. Lack of communication

The main reason for unmet needs is often a lack of communication. Both mom and daughter need to express their feelings and needs clearly.

Without communication:

  • The mom may lash out or throw temper tantrums over small issues, rather than expressing her displeasure directly.
  • The daughter may express her displeasure in rebellious behavior, such as ignoring the parents’ advice.

3. Resolution

In order to maintain a healthy relationship, it is necessary to identify and resolve these unmet needs.

Open communication:

The mom and daughter should talk to each other openly, without blaming each other. It is important to understand that both have important feelings and needs.

Mutual support:

Both parties need to support each other. The mom should respect the daughter’s independence and her decision-making ability, while the daughter should appreciate the moms sacrifices and her contributions.

Attention and respect:

Paying attention and respecting each other’s opinions is also important. This strengthens the relationship and promotes mutual understanding.


Why do moms not get along with their daughters?

Mothers and daughters every now and then battle to get along due to loads of motives. Changing occasions, generational variations, and differing personalities can lead to conflicts. Additionally, unresolved emotional patterns from the beyond may also make a contribution to strained relationships.

Why are mothers harsh on their daughters?

Mothers can on occasion be harsher on their daughters for numerous reasons. Research suggests that moms have a tendency to be more important of their woman kids than their male ones. Factors include generational differences, unresolved emotional styles, and the weight of societal expectations.

Are mothers often jealous of their daughters?

Mothers can occasionally be jealous of their daughters for numerous reasons. A narcissistic mom might also understand her daughter as a risk, main to retaliation, put-downs, and punishments. Jealousy can stem from the daughter’s seems, young people, cloth possessions, accomplishments, education, or maybe her courting with the daddy. It’s a complicated dynamic that influences the daughter’s sense of self and worth.

Do daughters love their mothers?

Daughters regularly love their mothers deeply. The bond between them may be unbreakable, fashioned by way of shared stories, care, and emotional connections. However, person relationships vary, and communication plays a critical position in nurturing this love. 💕👩‍👧‍👩‍❤️‍👩

Why do moms get jealous of their daughters?

Mothers can enjoy jealousy towards their daughters for numerous reasons. Narcissism, menopause, regret, and emotional absence are common factors. Additionally, opposition for interest and unresolved past issues may make a contribution. It’s a complex dynamic that impacts own family relationships.

What are some common reasons why mothers express dislike or resentment towards their daughters?

Many factors can lead to a mother feeling negative towards her daughter. These include unresolved childhood issues, narcissistic traits, and feelings of jealousy. Societal pressures and expectations also play a role.

How can a mother’s past experiences and unresolved trauma impact the mother-daughter relationship?

A mother’s past trauma can affect how she parents. It might make her emotionally unavailable or controlling. This can make it hard for the mother and daughter to connect.

What is the role of narcissistic tendencies in strained mother-daughter relationships?

Mothers with narcissistic traits might use emotional abuse to control. This includes constant criticism or manipulation. It can really hurt a daughter’s self-esteem and emotional health.

How do feelings of jealousy and competition between mothers and daughters contribute to a toxic dynamic?

A mother might feel threatened by her daughter’s youth or success. This can lead to resentment and trying to bring her daughter down. It creates a bad environment of competition.

What is the impact of societal pressures and expectations on the mother-daughter relationship?

Mothers often feel pressured to fit certain gender roles or be perfect. If their daughters don’t meet these standards, they might become critical or resentful.

How can mental health issues in the mother influence the mother-daughter relationship?

Conditions like depression or anxiety in the mother can make her emotionally unavailable. This can lead to mood swings or abusive behavior towards her daughter, hurting their relationship.

What role do communication breakdowns and misunderstandings play in the strained mother-daughter relationships?

When mothers and daughters can’t talk openly, they grow apart. This lack of understanding makes the relationship worse.

How can generational trauma and cyclical patterns of unhealthy family dynamics contribute to the mother-daughter rift?

Unresolved emotional issues can be passed down through generations. This creates a cycle of resentment or abuse, hard to break.

What are some strategies for overcoming resentment and fostering healing in the mother-daughter relationship?

To overcome resentment, both need personal growth and emotional awareness. They should cultivate empathy and set boundaries. Getting professional help and practicing forgiveness is also key.

How can professional support, such as family therapy or individual counseling, help mend fractured mother-daughter bonds?

Family therapy or counseling can help mothers and daughters work through their feelings. It improves communication and helps them find ways to heal. This leads to emotional reconnection and trust.

3 thoughts on “13 Reasons Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters?”

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