Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared?

Imagine you suddenly wake up in a cold sweat, your heart is pounding very fast, and you feel completely terrified. For many new moms, this is a common experience known as night terrors. Up to 3% of adults experience these terrifying dreams. This is especially worrying for new moms who are dealing with stress and anxiety after childbirth.

Night terrors are a type of sleep disorder that involves unusual movements or behaviors during sleep. These problems usually occur in the early hours of the night, during the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage of sleep. It is common in young children, but it can also affect adults, especially new moms who are caring for a newborn.

Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared
Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared

What are night terrors?

Night terrors, also called night terrors, are a type of sleep disorder in which a person experiences fear, screams, or behaves strangely during sleep. These incidents usually occur in the first part of the night, when the person is in deep sleep.

Acute episodes of fear during sleep

During a night terror, a person may suddenly sit up in bed, scream, or seem very scared. But he is not fully awake and may not remember anything. These incidents can last up to 40 minutes and include rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, and sweating.

Screaming or thrashing

During a night terror, a person may scream, wave his hands and legs, or get out of bed. These incidents can be very scary for the person and his family.

Occur During NREM Sleep

Night terrors happen during the NREM stage of sleep, often early in the night. This is different from nightmares, which occur during the REM stage. Knowing this helps us understand and treat these sleep issues better.

CharacteristicNight TerrorsNightmares
Stage of SleepNREM sleepREM sleep
Time of OccurrenceFirst third of the nightSecond half of the night
Memory RecallNo or limited memoryClear memory
BehaviorsScreaming, flailingVivid, frightening dreams
Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared
Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared

“Night terrors are more common in children than adults, with an estimated occurrence rate of 3% to 6% in children compared to only 2% in adults.”

Understanding night terrors is key to managing this sleep disorder. It’s especially important for new moms who might be going through these episodes.

Causes of Night Terrors in Moms

It can be common for new moms to have nightmares at night. Although these problems are mostly seen in children between 1 and 12 years of age, but today adults, such as new moms, also suffer from them. And there can be many reasons why moms can have nightmares at night.

Family history and genetics

If someone in your family already has nightmares at night, then you can also have this problem. For example, if your mom or grandmother had night terrors or they used to walk in their sleep, then this problem can happen to you too.

Example: My friend’s mom always had a problem of sleepwalking, and now my friend also has nightmares in her sleep sometimes.

Sleep problems like sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops while sleeping. This leads to poor sleep quality and may lead to problems like night terrors.

Example: A friend of mine has sleep apnea and often has nightmares at night because her sleep is interrupted.

Anxiety and postpartum stress

Being a new mom is very stressful. Caring for a baby, lack of sleep, and hormonal changes in the body add to the stress, which can lead to nightmares at night.

Example: When my aunt had a baby, she had nightmares for many nights because she was so stressed and couldn’t sleep properly.

It is important to understand the causes of night terrors in moms so that they can find ways to deal with them. Whether it is genetics, sleep problems, or stress, moms can find ways to reduce these problems.

Why do moms wake up scared?

Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared
Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared

Becoming a new mom is an exciting and challenging experience. Many moms wake up feeling scared and nervous as soon as they wake up in the morning. This fear comes from postpartum anxiety, worrying about the safety of their baby, and not getting enough sleep. And it is increasing in today’s time.

Postpartum anxiety and intrusive thoughts

Anxiety and fear increase after becoming a mom. Moms often worry and think too much about things, so that even while sleeping, the same thoughts keep running in their mind, and these thoughts are what make them scared at night. Hormonal changes after pregnancy cause mood swings, which lead to anxiety and constant stress. In fact, this is not a disease or problem. It is a disorder caused by hormonal changes in the body.

13 Reasons Why Do Moms Hate Their Daughters?

Example: My friend who is now a mom, constantly worries whether her baby is safe while sleeping or not. She wakes up repeatedly at night to check on the baby, which breaks her sleep and makes her feel tired.

Baby Safety Concerns

After becoming a mom, moms start thinking a lot about the safety of their children. And moms wake up immediately on alert at any sound of the children.

Example: When the baby makes even the slightest sound while sleeping, the mom immediately wakes up and checks if everything is okay.

Effects of lack of sleep

Taking care of a newborn means that the mom does not get enough sleep. And this happens to every mom in the initial years, due to which she gets tired and becomes more sensitive. Lack of sleep can also cause nightmares and other sleep problems.

Example: A new mom has to wake up every two-three hours to feed the baby, due to which she does not get enough sleep. This affects her mental and physical condition and she feels tired throughout the day.

1. Moms’ feelings: Moms have a special love for their children. She always wants her child to be the best and the smartest. She wants to do good for them at every step; she feels very threatened about her children’s future, and her fear of facing it remains hidden in her mind.

2. Changing environment in society: Moms are always worried about the impact of society on their children because nowadays, society is changing daily, and also due to technological progress, economic problems, and social changes. He is more concerned about his children

3. Fear of insecurity: After becoming a mom, any woman loves her children the most, but often, she is forced to think about how to save her children from an unsafe situation; here, the mom is the brother of the insecure. I feel terrified inside,

4. Social Pressure: Nowadays, society also tries to keep moms under Pressure, which can also scare them; for this reason, she wants her sons to grow up with a feeling of success and security in society. yes,

5. Fear of Nature’s Mischief: The Moms is afraid of all the dangers to her children which are possible to know (natural calamities, such as earthquakes, floods, storms, etc.), and in her mind, she is afraid of these things. keeps thinking about

All these reasons explain why Moms wake up with fear because of their natural

The love and concern that Rukesh has for his children.

Night terrors vs nightmares

Night terrors and nightmares are sleep problems that occur at different times. Night terrors occur at the beginning of sleep, while nightmares occur at the end of the night during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.

Nightmares in memory

Nightmares are frightening dreams that people can remember when they wake up or can remember with a little brain work. Most adults have nightmares and about 35-45% of adults have at least one nightmare every month. Nightmares are also common in children and about 75% of children have at least one nightmare.

Night terrors in NREM sleep

Night terrors occur during NREM sleep (deep sleep). During this time the person looks scared and upset, but he does not react and does not remember it. This problem is less common and affects about 1-2% of adults. In children, 56% have this problem by the age of 13, but the problem decreases as they grow older.

Examples and information

Suppose a child wakes up suddenly at night and starts crying loudly and his parents try to calm him down, but he does not respond. This could be an example of a night terror. On the other hand, if a child wakes up in the morning and tells about his scary dream, it could be a nightmare.

Knowing the difference between night terrors and nightmares can help parents help their children and seek expert advice if needed.

Night terrors in new moms

Becoming a new mom is an exciting and challenging experience. Some new mothers feel scared at night. This fear comes from the stress and changes after childbirth.

moms’ stress and anxiety

The time after childbirth is full of many changes. New moms often feel a variety of emotions and are surrounded by worries. 73 percent of women reported that they had dreams about their child being in danger. 42 percent of women worry about waking up after a nightmare.

Night terrors can increase due to worries about the safety of the child and lack of sleep.

Adapting to motherhood

Becoming a mom is a big change. 60 percent of women feel the need to get up to see their child when they wake up in fear at night. So this shows how deep their anxiety and sense of motherhood are at this time.

In addition, about 9 percent of women experience PTSD due to a traumatic birth experience, which can also cause night terrors.

Nightmares and Postpartum Anxiety

It is important to know that nightmares can be a sign of postpartum anxiety, depression or PTSD. Nightmares are normal in new moms and can also be a sign of a healthy bond with the baby. For one mom, nightmares decreased when her daughter was about eight weeks old and the incidence continued to decrease as time went on.

Supporting New moms

By understanding the challenges new moms face, we can better support them. We must help them through this difficult time with care and resources.

Real-life examples

  1. Sleep deprivation: One new mother’s experience – “I had to get up every time my daughter cried at night. This made me lose sleep and feel tired during the day.”
  2. Anxiety and security: “I was always afraid that something might happen to my baby. So I would get up frequently at night to check on him,” said one mom.
  3. Experience of PTSD: “My baby’s birth was difficult and I often had nightmares after that. Slowly I realised I should seek help from a doctor,” said one woman.

These examples show how many challenges new moms face and how much they need help and support.

Dealing with night terrors

It can be difficult for new moms when they have night terrors. But taking certain steps can help reduce this fear.

Build a bedtime routine

It is important to create regular sleep habits to reduce night terrors. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Take a warm bath, read something, or do some light stretching before bedtime. Getting 7-9 hours of good sleep every night can reduce night terrors. Continue this process for about 1 month. By doing this, it will become your habit and routine of sleeping and waking up.

If you sleep at 10 pm every day and wake up at 6 am, then this will become your sleep routine. Follow it every day.

Get help for postpartum problems

Postpartum anxiety, stress, and lack of sleep can cause night terrors. If you’re feeling very anxious, talk to a doctor, therapist, or support group. This can help you manage night terrors and feel better.

If you’re feeling very anxious at night, talk to your doctor. They may recommend therapy or other help.

By paying attention to sleep and getting help for postpartum problems, you can deal with night terrors and find relief during this time of change.

Remember: With good sleep and the right support, you can overcome night terrors and make yourself feel better.

When to see a doctor

If you have frequent night terrors or it is causing problems with your sleep and daytime activities, then it’s time to see a doctor.

Example: For example, if you have frequent nightmares at night and because of this you are not able to study properly during the day, then you should see a doctor. The doctor will check if you have any other sleep problem like sleep apnea.

The doctor will also check if you have any other sleep problem like insomnia or sleep apnea. For this, they can do some tests, so that they can find the right treatment.

Example: For example, if you have trouble breathing while sleeping, then the doctor may ask you to do some tests.

Treat internal problems

Problems like anxiety or depression can often also be the cause of night terrors. Your doctor can help you reduce your night terrors by treating these problems.

Example: For example, if you have anxiety and night terrors because of schoolwork or a problem with friends, your doctor may suggest some ways to deal with it.

Postpartum PsychosisAffects around 1 in 1,000 mothersMost make a full recovery with the right treatment
Postpartum AnxietyAffects 15-20% of new mothersTypically treated with therapy and medication

Working with your healthcare provider can help you understand and manage your night terrors. This leads to better sleep and overall health.

Effect on family and friends

If your partner gets scared at night, then the family also gets worried. It is something like when you see a friend getting scared, you also get worried.

When someone gets scared at night, he should not be woken up. For example, if your younger brother wakes up scared at night, then let him sleep and maintain a calm environment.

Ways to help the mother

  • Create a calm and safe environment without waking the mother.
  • When the mother’s fear subsides, console her.
  • Encourage the mother to talk to the doctor.

Night fear in children

Even small children can get scared at night. For example, if your younger brother or sister gets scared at night, then this is common. About 40% of children experience this at some time or the other.

Ways to help children

  • Do not wake the child when he is scared.
  • Keep the lights dim in the room and make him feel safe.
  • If the fear is frequent, consult a doctor.

Tips to reduce night terrors

For a new mother, it is important to cure stress and sleep problems. Meditation and deep breathing can help.

Like if you are stressed during exam time, deep breathing and talking to friends can help. Similarly, a new mother can also seek help from her friends and family.

Treating Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, can up the risk of night terrors. Changing your lifestyle, taking medicine, or getting help from a doctor can cut down on night terrors.

Stress Management TechniquesTreating Sleep Disorders
MeditationDeep breathing exercisesSeeking social supportLifestyle changes (e.g., weight management, sleep hygiene)Medication (e.g., CPAP therapy for sleep apnea)Consulting a sleep specialist

By tackling the main causes of night terrors, new moms can act early to lower the risk and ease these scary moments

Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared
Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared

“Addressing the underlying issues that contribute to night terrors is crucial for new moms to find relief and restore a sense of calm during the challenging postpartum period.”

Understanding the Experience

When a girl becomes a new mother, she may experience night terrors. This fear can make her feel lonely, embarrassed and vulnerable. This fear is common, but it is not talked about much in our society, which makes new mothers think that it is happening only to them. This is why she becomes scared. If you feel this way too, remember that it happens to many mothers, and there is no need to feel embarrassed or scared about it.

Dealing with loneliness and shame

If you have night terrors, you may feel cut off from others. You may not want to talk about it with anyone, because you may fear that people will think you are weak. But thinking like this can make the situation even more difficult.

For example, if your baby’s crying at night upsets you and makes you feel scared, it is important to understand that this may be a result of your own anxiety.

It’s important to talk about your fears

When you talk to others about your fears, you’ll feel less alone and understand that asking for help is a strength, not a weakness.
For example, let’s say another mom told you that she also had a hard time with her baby at night. It can be comforting to know that you’re not alone.

“Night terrors can be a deeply unsettling and isolating experience for new moms, but the key is to remember that you are not alone. Reaching out for support and destigmatizing this common sleep disorder can make all the difference.”

Seeking help and taking care of yourself

To deal with fear, you need a community of people who have been through similar things. And you should focus on taking care of yourself. With the right support and good self-care, new moms can get rid of their feelings of loneliness and shame.
For example, if you’re having night terrors, you can talk to a friend or family member who can give you courage and help you feel better.

Resources for help

If you have night terrors, there are many places to turn for help. For example, if a new mother is struggling with postpartum anxiety, she can get help online or visit a doctor. These resources help mothers feel better.

Online communities and forums

Connecting with others who feel like you can be very helpful. For example, you can join an online group where mothers share their experiences and advice. This will make you feel that you are not alone and that you will have support.

Seeking professional help

If you feel that your anxiety is becoming too much, it can be important to see a doctor, therapist or counselor. They will give you the right advice and treatment.

For example, If a mother is feeling very anxious, she may benefit from seeing a doctor and getting the right medications or therapy.

It is important to understand that asking for help is okay and can help you become a better mother.

Online Support GroupsVirtual communities where mothers can connect, share experiences, and seek advice.Provides a sense of belonging, reduces isolation, and offers practical tips from peers.
Sleep SpecialistsHealthcare professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating sleep disorders.Can identify underlying sleep-related issues and develop personalized treatment plans.
Postpartum Support ServicesOrganizations and therapists focused on supporting mothers during the postpartum period.Offers counseling, education, and resources to address mental health concerns.

By using these resources, new moms can tackle night terrors and focus on their mental health.

“Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows a willingness to take care of yourself and your family.”

Self-care: Simple tips for new mothers

Why is it important for mothers to take care of themselves?

When someone becomes a new mother, she forgets herself while taking care of her child. As a mother has to feed the child, play with him and take care of him, she forgets to pay attention to her own needs. But if a mother is not healthy herself, she will not be able to take good care of her child either. For example, if there is no fence around a house, animals can come in and harm him. In the same way, if the mother does not take care of herself, she will get tired quickly and may fall ill.

Importance of sleep and rest

Sleep is very important for our body. When we sleep, our body heals itself. New mothers should also get full sleep. For example, if someone’s mobile is not charged at night, he will not be able to work throughout the day. Similarly, if the mother does not get enough sleep, she will feel tired throughout the day and may also get sudden fear at night. If someone is not able to sleep, he should take deep breaths and relax. This helps in getting good sleep.

Taking care of mental health

Our brain is also an important part of our body. Just like a plant needs water and sunlight, our brain also needs to be relaxed and happy. Some new mothers feel depressed after childbirth. This is absolutely normal, but it should not be ignored. If a mother feels like this, she should talk to a specialist. Just like the heart becomes lighter after talking to a friend, similarly with the help of a specialist, the mother can also feel better. If the mother is happy, her child will also be happy.

“Internalized guilt and neglect of personal needs can lead to feelings of being lost, incomplete, uninspired, exhausted, and depressed.”

Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared
Why Do Moms Wake Up Scared


Problems like lack of sleep and night fears may arise after becoming a new mother, but this is normal. If the mom pays attention to her own care, sleeps well and takes care of her mental health, she can easily deal with these problems. It is important to note that if the mother keeps herself healthy, she will be able to take good care of her child as well.

Imagine, a mom is playing with her child, but she did not sleep the whole night. In such a situation, she will get tired quickly and will not be able to play properly with the child. But if she had slept properly, she would have been able to play happily with the child. Therefore, it is very important to take care of yourself.

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