Why Is Nothing I Do Good Enough For My Mom

Sally, who is one of my former students, couldn’t understand Why Is Nothing I Do Good Enough For My Mom. This is a feeling that many people struggle with today because the relationship between a mother and child is very complex. But why do some mothers have such high and sometimes unrealistic expectations of their children?

In this article, we will explore the reasons why some mothers have these expectations and try to understand and address the communication barriers that arise in these situations. (Why Is Nothing I Do Good Enough For My Mom)

Sally often felt frustrated and discouraged by her mom’s constant criticism. No matter how hard she tried, her mom never seemed to like anything she did. Sally’s mom always found flaws in her grades, weight, or social life.

Why Is Nothing I Do Good Enough For My Mom
Why Is Nothing I Do Good Enough For My Mom

Sally’s mom was overly controlling of Sally’s personal decisions, often making negative comments about her appearance and choices. This made Sally feel trapped (she felt suffocated and negative). This caused Sally’s self-esteem to drop. She felt that her mom didn’t accept her, and she started questioning her own worth.

Like Sally, many people face similar struggles with their parents, feeling like they can never meet their expectations. This can lead to deep emotional and psychological problems.

Understanding Parental Expectations and Approval

Many children try to be good in front of their parents to earn their praise. But sometimes, parents set very high goals and strict rules for their child that seem impossible to achieve. When parents expect too much from their children or compare them to others, children feel like they can never be good enough in their parents’ eyes.

Unrealistic Standards and Perfectionism

Some parents have very high expectations and demands from their children because they believe that the goals they couldn’t achieve in their own lives will be accomplished by their child in the future. As a result, they put pressure on their children to excel in every area. This constant pressure hurts the child’s self-esteem, making them feel that they can never live up to their parents’ expectations. Even as they grow up, they remain entangled in this desire.

The Impact of Parenting Styles on Self-Esteem

The way parents interact with each other has a significant impact on a child’s mental health. If parents are overly controlling or critical, children start to feel bad about themselves, and their self-esteem drops. This makes it difficult for them to form healthy relationships and find their own identity as they grow older.

Many people want to gain their parents’ approval while also being independent. But when they don’t receive their parents’ love or support, they become disappointed, leading to increased tension within the family.

Therefore, it’s important to understand how parental expectations and perfectionism can affect children’s self-esteem. By recognizing the root of these feelings and finding ways to cope with them, people can improve their self-image and build better relationships with their families.

Why is nothing I do ever enough for my mom?

Emotional validation and the mother-child relationship

Sometimes, kids think that no matter what they do, it’s never enough to make their mom happy. This is a common problem that can cause tension between kids and their mothers. The deep desire for a mother’s approval is very important to children.


Let’s say there’s a 14-year-old who starts working at a young age. He works hard and becomes a manager. Meanwhile, his brother stays home, doesn’t work, and smokes weed. Because of this, their mom is more worried about the brother who isn’t working. In this situation, the mom might overlook the hard-working child’s efforts because she’s more concerned about the child who isn’t doing well.

A mother’s unconditional love:

Sometimes, mothers struggle to give their children unconditional love. This could be due to their own emotional needs and fears. For example, a 36-year-old woman cut ties with her mother because she felt her mom was unfair and disliked her eldest grandchild. This woman sought help from a psychologist to deal with the emotional pain and guilt she felt towards her mom. Now, as a wife and mother herself, she’s trying to understand her own emotions.

Impact on children:

When kids try to make their mom happy and don’t succeed, they often feel worthless and guilty. Experts say that a mother’s mental health and behavior deeply affect her children. If the mother isn’t mentally healthy, the children’s efforts might feel useless.

It’s crucial to understand the relationship between mothers and children. Kids need to know if their efforts matter, and moms should also try to understand their children’s feelings. Seeking help from experts and openly communicating can solve this problem.

Communication and emotional issues in the mother-child relationship are key to healing. Understanding these complex issues helps people find their self-worth and set better boundaries.

Coping strategies and communication techniques

When it feels like nothing you do is ever enough for your mom, it can be tough to deal with. It’s important to find healthy ways to cope and talk about these things. During the pandemic, many people felt isolated and lonely, missing their parents. Some people don’t connect well with their parents in childhood, and this affects their relationships as they grow up. It feels good when someone understands and listens to your feelings.

Why Is Nothing I Do Good Enough For My Mom
Why Is Nothing I Do Good Enough For My Mom


Let’s say Noah feels like his mom is never happy with his work. This makes him feel really sad and lonely. One day, Noah talks to his friend about it. His friend understands and says he sometimes feels the same way. Noah feels better knowing his friend understands his feelings, and he no longer feels alone.

Things to learn:

  • Identify your feelings: If you feel like your mother is not happy with your work, identify why you are feeling this way.
  • Talk to someone: Talk to your friends or another family member. They can understand your feelings and make you feel better.
  • Think positive: Everyone has their own understanding and thinking. Your mother may not understand your efforts, but that does not mean you are wrong.

This way, we can learn to talk about our feelings and cope with them in the right way.

Counselling and Inner Child Healing

Getting help from a therapist can be very important in life. It can help you if you are struggling with a particular problem, such as fear, anxiety or sadness.

For example, imagine you find it difficult to talk to friends at school. If you see a therapist, they will be able to give you qualified advice and teach you how to deal with your problems.

Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

It’s really important to set clear rules with your parents. For example, if you feel like they don’t listen to you or understand your feelings, it’s okay to talk to someone you trust, like a teacher or a friend’s parent. Let’s say your parents always tell you to study more, but you feel like they don’t listen to you when you’re stressed about it. Talking to a teacher can help you figure out a way to balance studying with your other interests.

Here’s the information organized into a table format:

Reasons for Frustration towards MothersFactors Increasing Frustration towards Mothers
Unfulfilled Expectations – When mothers have expectations from children that are not met.Closeness and Familiarity – The closeness or distance between mother and child.
Communication Breakdown – When there is a lack of proper communication between mother and children.Unfulfilled Expectations – Expectations that are not met.
Unresolved Past Issues – Old issues that have not been resolved.Generation Gap – The gap between generations.
Personal Growth and Autonomy – When children grow up and seek their independence.Communication Style – The way of communicating.
Comparison and Sibling Dynamics – When a mother compares one child to another.Personal Stress and Emotions – Personal stress and emotions.
Past Resentment or Burden – Old resentments or burdens that remain in the mind.

“Lack of communication is the loudest complaint in most families. Studies have shown that lack of consistency destroys trust in family relationships. Teaching emotional choice and managing moods help in fostering healthy family dynamics.”


Mother’s high expectations can be hard to understand and deal with, but it is very common. These expectations often come from the parent’s own fears and desires.

It is important to accept yourself, set your boundaries, and talk openly or seek advice to build a good relationship with the mother.

The main thing is to understand that this problem does not reflect your ability, but the parent’s internal conflict. With this understanding, people can build good relationships with their mother and others.

To find happiness and peace, it is important to heal your inner child, set the right boundaries, and seek help.

Mending relationships is not easy, but by trying, being kind, and seeking help, people can deal with this problem and find peace and happiness. By paying attention to your health and building good relationships, you can find happiness by freeing yourself from the burden of mother’s expectations.


Why is nothing I do good enough for my mum?

Your mum might have very high and unrealistic standards. She expects perfection from you in every area of life. This can really hurt your self-esteem and how you see yourself.

How do parenting styles influence my self-esteem?

Your mum’s controlling and critical behaviour makes you feel not good enough. She doesn’t show you emotional support, which affects how you see yourself. It’s hard for you to feel accepted and valued.

Why does my mother’s lack of emotional validation hurt so much?

You really want your mum’s love and approval. But you always feel you’re not meeting her expectations. Her not being able to accept you fully might make her critical.

How can I cope with the challenging relationship with my mother?

Focus on loving yourself and using positive affirmations. Don’t let your mum’s criticism get to you; it’s often about her issues. Getting help from a therapist can heal emotional wounds and help with inner healing.

Setting boundaries with your mum and talking about how her behaviour affects you can also help. Managing her expectations is key.

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